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- What's new on Windows 10 20H2?
- Why does Windows Update 20H2 take so long?
- What happens if you turn off your PC while updating?
- How long does Windows Update take 2020?
What's new on Windows 10 20H2?
Some enhancements to the Windows 10 user interface are implemented in this release: With this release, the solid color behind tiles on the Start menu is replaced with a partially transparent background. Tiles are also theme-aware. Icons on the Start menu no longer have a square outline around each icon.Why does Windows Update 20H2 take so long?
What happens if you turn off your PC while updating?
Whether intentional or accidental, your PC shutting down or rebooting during updates can corrupt your Windows operating system and you could lose data and cause slowness to your PC. This happens mainly because old files are being changed or replaced by new files during an update.How long does Windows Update take 2020?
If you've already installed that update, the October version should only take a few minutes to download. But if you don't have the May 2020 Update installed first, it could take about 20 to 30 minutes, or longer on older hardware, according to our sister site ZDNet.auch lesen
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